To the Clients of Janet Braun,
These are some unique times we are experiencing!
I am very interested in giving each one of you my very best service while being respectful of the safety of each one of you. Therefore, I will be wearing a mask during our sessions and encourage you to do the same if you are comfortable wearing one. They are provided at the door of my office for your convenience.
I have rearranged my office to create 6 feet from you and together we will stay as safe as possible. Hand sanitizer is available as you enter and leave my office. Feel free to use it.
The toy room will look much different to my children clients. I will have a few toys available, however, I will be encouraging them to draw as much as possible for the next few months.
Telephone conferences and FaceTime are always available if you are unable to come into the office for any reason.
Thank you in advance for your cooperation. We will get through this together.
Jan Braun, LMFT
Please let me know if you are experiencing any of these symptoms: within the last 14 days
a new cough
shortness of breath
muscle pains
sore throat
loss of taste
loss of smell